I like to say this every now and again but all of my music is
Use it however, wherever, whenever, in whatever you want. Make money off of it (just don't actually steal it lmao). All I ask for is credit. The one and only requirement. Actually scratch that, two requirements. Credit and send me it. I check all of my messages in NewGrounds, Discord (thereaperpepper), etc. I love hearing my music in stuff because it's genuinely kinda jarring to me. Even if I don't respond I have checked it or will eventually check it out! As long as you follow those two rules (actually just the credit one, the other one is optional but please do) you can use my songs. All of my music that I felt was worthy of uploading is on Spotify, Soundcloud, and anywhere else Distrokid distributes to. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you have a 
Sorry, it was really fun to make those.